David Stonefield Chartered Accountants

 Logo 70 Grasmere Road
Contact: David Stonefield (Chartered Accountant) 0161 718 8215 07879 882277 david@davidstonefield.co.uk www.davidstonefield.co.uk
We work closely with our clients and act for a broad range of business and personal clients and have a first class reputation for what we deliver. Apart from the more general accountancy services we can also assist you with business development and specialist tax services. You can receive a very broad range of services and we are familiar with business clients from many sectors including… Manufacturing, Professional services, Retail, Professional Health Care, Construction, Property rental and development, Flat Management Companies and Service businesses. We appreciate that only in time can we gain your trust, so that you know when we say we can and will do something, we do it. We hope to get that opportunity.
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